Recent Events:
- Mount Bierstadt (Feb. 20, 2021)
- Glenwood Springs, Colorado (Jul. 10, 2013)
- Grays and Torreys Peaks (Jul. 9, 2013)
- Denver, Colorado (Jul. 4, 2013)
- Walt Disney World (Jun. 30, 2013)
- Montreal, Quebec (Sep. 7, 2012)
- Rochester, New York (Aug. 18, 2012)
Each new year and season comes with it a set of dates that can be looked at as opportunities to get out and explore or try something new. The challenge set forth is to take advantage of the calendar, vacation days, and your set financial resources to enjoy a bit of something different. No matter what level of these stated items you have, you can figure out how to plan adventures into your life.
The trip lists on this site are a bit out of date and in need of refreshing. My hope is that many of the report are still useful even though some of the specifics are a little out of date.
My every day adventure is biking in Downtown Denver in a variety of weather, and traffic conditions. The road surfaces leave a lot to be desired, and the bike lanes are good but more are needed. Riding on the urbane trail: your dangers are cars, foot traffic not watch their crossing signals, and lightrail tracks embedded in the road surface. I give Denver a fair mark as it concerns bicycle friendliness, and there are many automobile drivers which believe that it is justifiable to break traffic laws in order to make up for bad planning. On the flip side there are many cyclists which suffer from a condition known as, "Am I a vehicle or a pedestrian?"
RockCairn.com has been setup to act as a marker, waypoint, and guide to the outdoors. The focus of this site is on Colorado and climbing the fourteen thousand foot peaks there, however the content was expanded to Ontario during my 10-year stint there. The content as been further diversified to include some adventure travel to destinations in South America and New Zealand. From the reports on climbing fourteen thousand foot peaks to the mixed sport adventure travel reports, this site aims to advise you on planning, packing, and executing your next adventure.
Copyright © 1999-2025 Aaron Penner
All Rights Reserved
Warning: Outdoor activities come with there inherent risks. Information on this site, although diligently maintained to be accurate, may not be used to hold the web master or contributing parties responsible for any misinformation used from this site.